Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Spectacular Dive

This dream is the 2nd of 2 dreams that I remember having as a child.  I blame all my issues on my sister for not helping me after I about cracked my head open on the floor!  I am guessing I was around 9 years old when I had this dream.

I was at a pool and I was on the diving board.  My dog, Nickie, was laying on the board right in front of me and I had to dive over her so I wouldn't knock her off.  I was successful!  And I was painfully woken when I hit the water!

I was actually on the top bunk of my bunk bed when I had this dream with my sweet little doggie right next to me.  I remember waking up when I hit the floor from my spectacular dive!  I instantly started to cry because my head and my neck hurt so bad.  My sister, Jenny, yelled at me and told me to be quiet.  I slowly made my way back up to my bed while trying not to cry.  I remember laying there for a few minutes rubbing my neck until I fell back asleep.  Thankfully, I knew where my dog was and didn't push her off while I was diving!